Mas Llossanes

At the foothills of the Pyrenees, the 11 hectares of vines of Mas Llossanes form a unique plot at the exceptional altitude of 600 meters. The vineyard, born in the 1940s, takes root on shale rocks and granitic sands. Such a terroir endows its wines with great elegance, freshness and balance. Six autochthonous varietals compose the mosaic of Llossanes: Carignan, Grenache, Syrah, Chenanson, Cinsault and Chasan. Dominique and Solenn Génot managed for over 10 years a renowned property in Tuscany. The expertise of Dominique, agronomist and oenologist, is perfectly complemented by Solenn’s training as a sommelier. In 2016, it was out of passion for wine that they left the safety of a salaried job to live the great challenge of creating their own estate. After a very selective research, they chose the exceptional terroir of Mas Llossanes to build their future.

Nome dell’azienda agricola / Winery name / Nom du domaine: MAS LLOSSANES
Nome e cognome del responsabile / Owner’s name and surname / Nom et prénom du titulaire: Dominique Génot
Ragione sociale / Legal name / Raison sociale: Mas Llossanes SCEA
Indirizzo / Address / Adresse: route d’Arboussols D35c
CAP / Area Code / Code postal: 66320
Città / Town / Ville: Tarerach
Provincia / Other / Département: Pyrenees-Orientales
Regione / Region / Région: Roussillon
State (U.S. only):
Paese / Country / Pays: France
Telefono / Phone / Telephone fixe: +33673258029
Cellulare / Mobile / Tel. portable: +33673258029
Email / Email / Adresse Mail:
Sito internet / Website / Site internet:

Altri dati

Certificazioni dell’azienda / Certifications / Certifications: Biologico / Organic / Biologique
Associazioni a cui aderisce / Member of these associations / Adhérent a quelles associations: Ecocert, Vignerons Independant
Distributore per l’Italia / Italian distributor / Distributeurs pour l’Italie:
Superficie della proprietà (ha) / Size of the property (ha) / Superficie du domaine (ha): 23
Superficie vitata (ha) / Size of the vineyards (ha) / Superficie viticole (ha): 11
Bottiglie annue prodotte / Bottles per year / Bouteilles annuelles produites: 30000
Vitigni impiantati / Grape varieties planted / Types de vignes plantées: Carignan, Syrah, Grenache, Cinsault, Chenanson, Chasan
Metodo di lavorazione / Farming method / Mode de travail: Biologico / Organic / Biologique, Biodinamica / Byodinamics / Biodynamique
Visite presso l’azienda / Winery visits / Visite au domaine: Sì, su prenotazione / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta / Cellar door sales / Vente directe: Sì / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta al pubblico di Live Wine / Direct sale to the public at Live Wine / Vente directe auprès du public de Live Wine: Sì / Yes / Oui

Vini presentati in fiera:

[qode_accordion style=”toggle”][qode_accordion_tab title=”Au Dolmen”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Au Dolmen
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: IGP Cotes Catalanes
Annata / Year / Année: 2016
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Rosso / Red / Rouge
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Carignan 75% Chenanson 15% Syrah 10%
Vol %: 13
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 16800
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (ha) / Superficie de la vigne (ha): 5
Produzione media per ettaro ( / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 44
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 30
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Dotrera”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Dotrera
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: IGP Cotes Catalanes
Annata / Year / Année: 2016
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Rosso / Red / Rouge
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Carignan 40% Grenache 30% Syrah 15% Chenanson 15%
Vol %: 13
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 10200
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 4
Produzione media per ettaro ( / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 30
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 40
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Mas Llossanes Rosé”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Mas Llossanes Rosé
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: IGP Cotes Catalanes
Annata / Year / Année: 2017
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Rosato / Rosé
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Cinsault
Vol %: 13
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 1900
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 1
Produzione media per ettaro ( / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 30
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 40
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Rosso Arcaico”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Rosso Arcaico
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Vino Rosso
Annata / Year / Année: 2017
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Rosso / Red / Rouge
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Aleatico 50% Grechetto Rosso 50%
Vol %: 13
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 3500
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 4
Produzione media per ettaro ( / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 60
Filtrazione / Filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 35
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Alea Viva”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Alea Viva
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Vino Rosso
Annata / Year / Année: 2016
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Rosso / Red / Rouge
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Aleatico
Vol %: 14
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 3300
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 3
Produzione media per ettaro ( / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 50
Filtrazione / Filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 30
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