23 Feb Ernst Triebaumer
Posted at 20:57h
in Austria
Green Winegrowing – thats how we describe the way we go about our business. We work in an unconventional, holistic and grandchild – friendly way.
This goes for the whole of our wine production but also the way we market our wines and live our lives. Our wines are the anthitesis of the mainstream. We produce a living elixir, and its uncompromising character is an expression of this philosophy.
Nome dell’azienda agricola / Winery name / Nom du domaine: | WG Ernst Triebaumer |
Nome e cognome del responsabile / Owner’s name and surname / Nom et prénom du titulaire: | Herbert Triebaumer |
Ragione sociale / Legal name / Raison sociale: | WG Ernst Triebaumer reg GenbmH |
Indirizzo / Address / Adresse: | Raiffeisenstraße 9 |
CAP / Area Code / Code postal: | 7071 |
Città / Town / Ville: | rust |
Provincia / Other / Département: | burgenland |
Regione / Region / Région: | Neusiedler See |
State (U.S. only): | |
Paese / Country / Pays: | Austria |
Telefono / Phone / Telephone fixe: | 00436642032866 |
Cellulare / Mobile / Tel. portable: | |
Email / Email / Adresse Mail: | office@ernst.triebaumer.com |
Sito internet / Website / Site internet: | http://triebaumer.com |
Altri dati
Certificazioni dell’azienda / Certifications / Certifications: | Biodinamica |
Associazioni a cui aderisce / Member of these associations / Adhérent a quelles associations: | |
Distributore per l’Italia / Italian distributor / Distributeurs pour l’Italie: | no |
Superficie della proprietà (ha) / Size of the property (ha) / Superficie du domaine (ha): | 20 |
Superficie vitata (ha) / Size of the vineyards (ha) / Superficie viticole (ha): | 20 |
Bottiglie annue prodotte / Bottles per year / Bouteilles annuelles produites: | 100000 |
Vitigni impiantati / Grape varieties planted / Types de vignes plantées: | Blaufränkisch, CS, Merlot Ch, GV, Gelber Muskateller, Sauvignon Blanc |
Metodo di lavorazione / Farming method / Mode de travail: | Naturale / Natural / Naturel |
Visite presso l’azienda / Winery visits / Visite au domaine: | Sì, su prenotazione / Yes / Oui |
Vendita diretta / Cellar door sales / Vente directe: | Sì / Yes / Oui |
Vendita diretta al pubblico di Live Wine / Direct sale to the public at Live Wine / Vente directe auprès du public de Live Wine: | Sì / Yes / Oui |