Weingut Melsheimer

A single soil type, a single grape variety and one single valley … At first glance, this may sound monotonous. Yet the diversity of the Riesling wines grown on a single mountain slope is an amazing phenomenon. This diversity within a microcosm seems to be a typical feature of truly great wine regions. Of course, the winemaker also plays an important part – always respecting nature and using his creativity to benefit the wines. More than 20 years ago, a new era began for the Melsheimer winery. After working alongside his father for one year in this family business steeped in tradition, Thorsten Melsheimer embarked on his journey towards organic viticulture in 1995. This major step, which was very courageous at the time, has been very successful – for our vines and the wines we make, for our natural environment with its remarkable biodiversity – and for ourselves. As winegrowers, we are directly responsible for a plot of land. We would not dream of seeing it as something that we merely “use” and “exploit”. We believe that for great wines to evolve, but also to create and sustain healthy “surroundings”, nature, culture and human beings need to find a certain harmony. To get a feel for this harmony and to adjust our own contribution accordingly requires an attentive mind, a very sensitive approach, a certain level of altruism – and confidence. We continue to learn – day by day.

Nome dell’azienda agricola / Winery name / Nom du domaine: Weingut Melsheimer
Nome e cognome del responsabile / Owner’s name and surname / Nom et prénom du titulaire: Thorsten Melsheimer
Indirizzo / Address / Adresse: Dorfstr.
CAP / Area Code / Code postal: 56861
Città / Town / Ville: Reil
Provincia / Other / Département: Rheinland-Pfalz
Regione / Region / Région: Mosel / Mosella
State (U.S. only):
Paese / Country / Pays: Germany
Telefono / Phone / Telephone fixe: 004965422422
Cellulare / Mobile / Tel. portable: 00491707335318
Email / Email / Adresse Mail: mail@melsheimer-riesling.de
Sito internet / Website / Site internet: https://melsheimer-riesling.de/

Altri dati

Certificazioni dell’azienda / Certifications / Certifications: Biologico / Organic / Biologique, Biodinamica / Byodinamics / Biodynamique, Demeter
Associazioni a cui aderisce / Member of these associations / Adhérent a quelles associations: ECOVIN, DEMETER
Distributore per l’Italia / Italian distributor / Distributeurs pour l’Italie: Antonio Bonanno, Milano
Superficie della proprietà (ha) / Size of the property (ha) / Superficie du domaine (ha): 15
Superficie vitata (ha) / Size of the vineyards (ha) / Superficie viticole (ha): 12
Bottiglie annue prodotte / Bottles per year / Bouteilles annuelles produites: 55000
Vitigni impiantati / Grape varieties planted / Types de vignes plantées: Riesling 98%, Pinot Noir 1%, Johanniter 0,5%, Sauvignac 0,5%
Metodo di lavorazione / Farming method / Mode de travail: Biologico / Organic / Biologique, Biodinamica / Byodinamics / Biodynamique, Naturale / Natural / Naturel
Visite presso l’azienda / Winery visits / Visite au domaine: Sì, su prenotazione / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta / Cellar door sales / Vente directe: Sì / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta al pubblico di Live Wine / Direct sale to the public at Live Wine / Vente directe auprès du public de Live Wine: Sì / Yes / Oui

Vini presentati in fiera:

[qode_accordion style=”toggle”][qode_accordion_tab title=”Sekt Zéro Dosage”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Sekt Zéro Dosage
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Mosel – Reiler Mullay-Hofberg
Annata / Year / Année: 2015
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Bianco / White / Blanc
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Mosso / Sparkling / Effervescent
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Riesling
Vol %: 11.5
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 11000
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (ha) / Superficie de la vigne (ha): 2
Produzione media per ettaro (q.li/ha) / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 4
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: Sì / Yes / Oui
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 90
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Melsheimer trocken”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: Melsheimer trocken
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Mosel – Reil
Annata / Year / Année: 2017
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Bianco / White / Blanc
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Riesling
Vol %: 11
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 8000
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 3
Produzione media per ettaro (q.li/ha) / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 4
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: Sì / Yes / Oui
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 90
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Molun”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: MOLUN
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Mosel – Reiler Mullay-Hofberg
Annata / Year / Année: 2017
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Bianco / White / Blanc
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Riesling
Vol %: 11.5
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 8000
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 2
Produzione media per ettaro (q.li/ha) / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 3
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: Sì / Yes / Oui
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: Sì / Yes / Oui
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 90
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Vade retro”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: VADE RETRO
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Mosel – Reiler
Annata / Year / Année: 2017
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Bianco / White / Blanc
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Riesling
Vol %: 11.5
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 2000
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 0.5
Produzione media per ettaro (q.li/ha) / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 3
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: No / Non
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 20
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Orange”]
Nome del vino / Wine name / Nom du vin: ORANGE
Denominazione / Denomination / Appellation: Mosel – Reiler Mullay-Hofberg
Annata / Year / Année: 2017
Tipologia / Type / Genre: Bianco / White / Blanc
Fermo o mosso / Still or sparkling / Tranquille ou effervescent: Fermo / Still / Tranquille
Secco o dolce / Dry or sweet / Sec ou doux: Secco / Dry / Sec
Uve / Grapes / Raisins: Riesling
Vol %: 12.5
Bottiglie prodotte / Bottles produced / Bouteilles produites: 1000
Estensione del vigneto (ha) / Size of the vineyard (in Ha) / Superficie de la vigne (en Ha): 0.25
Produzione media per ettaro (q.li/ha) / Production per hectare (ql/Ha) / Rendement à l’hectare (q/Ha): 3
Filtrazione sterile / Sterile filtration: No / Non
Lieviti selezionati / Added yeasts / Utilisation de levures sélectionnées: No / Non
Aggiunta di solfiti / Added sulphites / Sulfites ajoutés: No / Non
Solforosa totale (mg/l) / Total Sulphur (mg/l) / SO2 totale (mg/l): 20
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